发布时间:2023-11-19 15:48:56



题目:Children's education is expensive. In some countries, the government pay some of or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?政府资助教育这一行为,你认为利与弊哪个更大?范文:In an era of knowledge-based economy, education for all is a valued concept. The impacts of government funding on children's education have aroused widespread controversy. As far as I am concerned, potential benefits of this initiative overshadow its perceived drawbacks.在知识经济时代,全民教育是一种价值观念。政府资助对儿童教育的影响引起了广泛的争议。在我看来,这一倡议的潜在好处掩盖了其明显的缺点。Admittedly, there may be challenges if governments offer to pay for all children's educational expenses. For one thing, taking full responsibility for next generation's education is likely to incur an enormous financial burden for governments. In other words, governments are accountable for not only education but other public services, such as public transport, health care, and so forth. For another, it is also possible that some parents will take advantage of this policy. To be specific, people who are not morally aware may take it for granted and refuse to contribute to their sons' and daughters' future development, thus failing to play their roles in parenting.

