雅思大作文中常见的连接词有哪些 雅思大作文中常见的连接词有哪些英文
发布时间:2023-11-19 05:50:39


雅思写作衔接词之起:First/firstly/first of all/ to begin with/to start with/ in the first place, First and foremost; For one thing( for another); On the one hand(on the other)

雅思写作衔接词之承:Second/secondly; Third/thirdly; Besides/in addition/ in addition to; Furthermore/what is more/moreover; Namely/ in other words; In the same way/similarly/likewise; Afterwards/ after that/ after a while; Consequently/as a consequence/as a result

雅思写作衔接词之转:But/yet; However/Nonetheless/Nevertheless; On the contrary/conversely; Though/although/even though/even if; Unlike. ,A; Different from , A.; In fact/ as a matter of fact

雅思写作衔接词之合:Finally/eventually/in the final analysis; In conclusion/to conclude; In short/In brief; In summary/ to sum up/in sum; As I have said/as has been noted; Given the fact that., we can come to the conclusion that
