雅思写作素材之工作和社会类 工作和社会的关系
发布时间:2023-11-02 18:51:21


职业 Occupation1 在城市工作1. Cities are the centres of progress and development. Multinational companies also abound in these places.城市是进步和发展的中心,跨国公司也经常聚集于此。2. Due to these reasons, cities are able to offer more job opportunities to people.由于这些原因,城市能够为人们提供更多的工作机会。3. There are several advantages of working in a great and thriving metropolis.在兴盛的大城市工作有很多好处。4. Big corporations provide good training programs to their employees. Some even send chosen individuals to be trained in other countries.这样的大公司能够为员工提供很好的培训项目,一些公司甚至还将员工派往国外接受培训。5. To maintain a certain standard of services, companies get the best people from among a pool of applicants.为了保证服务的标准,公司会从一堆申请人中挑选最合适的人。6. They only hire those with the best academic standing or most impressive work experiences.他们只会雇佣那些学术背景最好,工作经历最有吸引力的人。7. Life in cities is fast-paced, which, may put more stress on an individual.城市的生活节奏很快,这会给个人带来更多的压力。8. Cities provide better opportunities in terms of earnings, work benefits, training programs and work experience.城市的工作在收入,福利,培训项目以及工作经历方面都会有更好的机会。9. On the other hand, there are also higher job requirements, more competition and more stress.


2 天赋与勤奋孰轻孰重1. There are people blessed with natural talents, whether this ability concerns the sciences, the arts, or other fields of interest.一些人生来就具备某些天赋,不管是在科学,艺术还是其他领域。2. This leads some people to think that being blessed with natural talent is the most important factor in achieving success.这使得一些人认为天赋是获得成功最重要的因素。3. Individuals with natural capabilities have more advantages over those with no talents.天赋强的人确实比没有的天赋的人更有优势。4. If the talented person does not exert any effort to work hard at improving his skills or talents, then these will all be wasted.如果一个有天赋的人并不努力工作以提高技能,那他的天赋也终会荒废。5. Mastery of any field of work or art requires hard work.任何工作领域的熟练掌握都需要努力的工作。6. An individual should hone his talent to improve it or make it better.人们应该磨练他们的天赋,以求使它达到更高的水平。7. To illustrate, a singer who practices everyday and puts his heart to improving his talent, will eventually become more effective and intense.举例来说,一个歌手每天练习,倾注心血来提高他的天赋,他终将变得更加有效率,技巧也会加强。8. Hard work allows people to achieve new heights of success.辛勤的工作使得人们在成功的道路上更创新高。9. Hard work, coupled with passion and perseverance, will help a person to be more successful and to be recognized.

