雅思口语说不出来怎么办 雅思口语说不出来怎么办呀
发布时间:2023-10-23 21:52:48



你需要进行大量的口语练习,并在考试前做好一切准备。要一直地说,各种不同的话题都要涉及---比如:关于你自己、你的国家、你的思想和观点等话题都可以用来练习口语。这会使你的口语表达更加自然并为你为在口语测试中遇到的任何突如其来的话题做好准备。不管有无错误,如果你不进行大量口语练习,你就不会在口语水平上取得真正的进步。 你练习得越多,口语就会变得越容易。 如果你尽可能多地练习口语,你的口语水平很快就会得到迅速提高。


如果你不能与母语为英语的人的谈话也不必担心。 你也可以自己独自练习口语。 虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话,但是只要开口练习,你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话,而这也将增强你的信心。同时这也会弥补你在词汇量和语法上的缺点,让你以这种集中的方式学习新的单词和语法结构。




开头可以用well,遇到态度肯定的答案可以回答absolutely....句中多用definitely,obviously修饰,举几个例子:Do you like swimming?

Absolutely/Definitely,swimming is pretty interesting.

Obviously,it benefits a lot to our health.


u know....每个回答都可以用一个u know用的要自然,句中停顿处,u know这两个词不用发音太清楚,然后咽口水,给自己一个缓冲的时间。切忌用太多。




一定要说,不停地说,让考官感受到你表达的愿望。不过至少保证自己说的流利点没什么语法错误,词汇不用很高深,句型也不用很复杂。比如there be,it is之类的结构等。类似虚拟语气这种难度稍大的句子结构没把握最好别用。总之就是要用自己有把握的,确定的句式和小词,流利地表达自己的idea.




5分考生会这样描述:He is too big,too fat.他块头很大,很胖。

6分考生会这样描述:He is fat and overweight.他很胖,体重超常。

7分考生会这样描述:He is seriously overweight,I mean,way beyond plump!他严重超重。我是说,他可不仅仅是偏胖。

8分考生会这样描述:He has ballooned out to an incredible size.He's so fat now he can scarcely walk.他像吹气球似地胖了起来,块头大得吓人,胖得几乎都走不了路。


5分考生会这样描述全球变暖带来的威胁:Now the planet is getting global warming.The weather is not good.现在地球正在全球变暖,天气不好。

6分考生会说:Global warming is a big problem.The ice is melting.全球变暖是个大问题。冰在融化。

7分考生会说:Global warming is causing significant climate change.For example,the glaciers are getting smaller and weather patterns are changing.全球变暖正导致明显的气候变化。例如,冰川正在变小,天气类型正在改变。

8分考生会说:Global warming is a major threat.Glaciers are dwindling and potentially the sea level could rise and flood many coastal cities.全球变暖是一大威胁。冰川逐渐缩小,从而可能导致海平面上升,淹没沿海城市。


5分考生可能会这样描述北京的天气:Autumn in Beijing is nice but the winter is too much cold.北京的秋天很好,但是冬天太冷。

6分考生会说:The autumn in Beijing is a nice period,but it gets chilly from late October and the winter is very cold.北京的秋天是个很好的季节,但从十月底就开始转凉,而且冬天非常冷。

7分考生会说:Autumn is lovely in Beijing but the winter can be freezing.Temperatures drop below zero and the wind makes it even colder.北京的秋天很宜人,但冬天十分寒冷。气温会降到零度以下,刮起风来则让人感觉更加寒冷。

8分考生会说:Beijingers complain that the autumn is too short.You can understand their point of view because when winter arrives,you really need long johns and gloves and scarves and all the gear because the temperatures can really plummet.北京人总抱怨北京的秋天太短。这是可以理解的,因为冬天一到,你就非常需要穿保暖内衣、手套、围巾等来“全副武装”,因为气温会骤降。


1.Do you keep track of time usually?


I certainly do.I think it’s important for most people nowadays to be able to keep track of time because we are living in a such a fast paced world where,the faster you are at doing things,the more likely you are to be successful.

2.Can you describe yourself as a punctual person?


Well,at least I always try to be on time.But you know,living in a city where traffic jam is an unavoidable part of the daily life makes it difficult to be a punctual person.I wouldn’t want to use it as an excuse so I tend to set out earlier when I go to an appointment just in case.

3.Do you wear a watch?


I like wearing watches and I used to wear them.However,with changing times,I have stopped wearing one.

4.Do you think it is important for an individual to be on time?


I think it is quite of a relative question.So,it mostly depends on the situation.For example,if an individual is late for a meeting or a flight,the person is going to loose lot of things.However,for places like parties or travelling,being very time bound takes a lot of fun out of vacations.Also,if you know someone is waiting for you,one must try to be on time.

5.How do you feel when others are late?


If my entire plan depends on that person,I really don’t like people getting late.Also,being late does not mean skipping five or ten minutes,but beyond that,it really becomes annoying.Specially,in places like movies or a game,where you miss a part of it,if your partner is late.But,for the most part,if I have to not wait for a very long time,I don’t mind too much on people being late.

6.How often are you late?
